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Electric motors are practical devices in many industries that have a very important role in industrial activities. In these devices, by converting electrical energy into mechanical energy, the necessary driving force is provided for the execution of various work processes. The reliable performance and high efficiency of these equipments have caused them to be used in the design of many machines, fans, pumps, etc. These devices, which are also referred to as electric motors, are a good alternative to diesel engines because of their many advantages.
Among these advantages, we can mention the effective role of these equipments in reducing air pollution and their compatibility with the environment. Due to the widespread use of these equipments in many work processes, in this article we are going to introduce electric motors to the history of these devices, their types and applications, introduce DC and AC electric motors, important points in buying these equipments, prices and how to buy them. they pay
Introduction of electric motor
An electric motor, also known as an electric motor, is a device in which electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy, and this energy provides conditions for the movement of the device in a linear or rotational manner. Compared to the linear type, the rotary electric motor has a wide range of applications and is considered the mainstay of many equipments and machines.
Electric motors consist of two fixed and rotating parts, the fixed part of these devices, which plays the role of the driver, is called the stator, and the rotating and moving part is called the rotor. The performance of these motors is such that the electrical energy consumed in these devices produces a magnetic field in the device and this field also provides the necessary force to move the rotating part of the motor. According to the type of design and structure of electric motors, AC or DC electricity is used to provide their driving force.
History of the electric motor
Regarding the history of electric motors, it can be said that the first idea to build these devices was expressed by Nikola Tesla in 1882. Where Tesla realized the concept of magnetic field and believed that this field can be used to create a mechanical force. A year later, Tesla used this idea to build a two-phase induction motor. Then, in 1885, Galileo Ferraris started research in this field and after three years, he presented the results of his research in the form of an article to the Royal Academy of Turin.
1888 can be referred to as the second industrial revolution, because in this year scientists achieved important results regarding the construction of these devices and the possibility of transmitting electrical energy over long distances. Finally, the first three-phase cage rotor type motor was designed by Mikhail Asibovich in 1890, and with the advancement of science and technology, the design of electric motors underwent many changes.
Types of electric motors
Electric motors are divided into two categories, direct current (DC) electric motor and alternating current (AC) electric motor, according to the type of design and current they consume. DC motors include parallel motor, series motor, self-excitation motor, compound motor and permanent magnet motor.
AC motors can also be divided into two categories: synchronous motors and asynchronous motors, and asynchronous motors are divided into two categories: squirrel cage motors and winding rotor motors.
From another point of view, these devices can be classified into two types of single-phase electric motor and three-phase electric motor. Other special types of these devices include stepping motor, brushless motor, reluctance motor, universal motor and hysteresis motor, etc.
Electric motor applications
Electric motors can be used in many work fields due to their many features and advantages. As we mentioned, these motors are available in two types, single-phase and three-phase, each of which has wide applications. From the application of single-phase electric motors, it is possible to mention the use of these devices in the manufacture of household appliances, air-conditioning appliances and equipment, the manufacture of all types of drills, the garage door open and close system, the manufacture of toys, etc. These motors are mostly used in non-industrial areas and they are widely used in home, office, store, etc.
The use of three-phase electric motors can also be used in train locomotives, automobile industries, lathes, elevators, cutting factories, lathes, wood factories, high-speed mixers, oil pumps, and sludge removal. vibration motors, mines, marine industries, petrochemical industries and gas and oil extraction, steel and agricultural industries, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.
On the reliable site of Electromotorgroup, regarding the importance of electric motors, he said: “The motor must be the most reliable part of what we sell.”
Introduction of DC electric motor
The DC electric motor is one of the practical motors that are powered by direct current. These motors are usually designed as a single phase and in their structure, four sections of stator, rotor, commutator and brushes are used. The stator is the fixed part of these motors, on which a permanent magnet is used.
The magnetic field created in the stator section provides the necessary energy to rotate the rotor. The rotor, which is also known as the armature, is the rotating part of these motors, where windings are used that provide the conditions for its rotation. The commutator is a part of these motors that is designed to permanently change the current direction between the rotor and the external circuit. Sweepers are also responsible for transferring this current between the rotor and the external circuit.
DC electric motors have many advantages, including the high accuracy of these devices in speed control, which plays an important role in many industrial activities. Immediate implementation of the process of starting and stopping these engines is another advantage of using them. Also, the reverse process in these engines will be applicable in the shortest possible time. Finally, compared to other motors, DC electric motors are easy to install and easy to maintain.
Introduction of AC electric motor
The AC electric motor is one of the most widely used motors in many fields of work that work with alternating current. This current creates a strong magnetic field in the motor and provides the conditions for the rotation of its moving part. Important parts such as stator and rotor are used in the design of AC electric motors. The stator of the AC motor is the fixed part of these devices, which uses windings with a special arrangement in its structure. By passing AC current through these coils, the necessary magnetic field is provided for the movement and rotation of the rotating part of the motor.
The rotor also forms the moving part of these devices, which overcomes the magnetic force created in the device and provides the conditions for its rotation. The rotors are connected to the output shaft of the device, and by changing the current, their speed can be adjusted during rotation. AC electric motors are produced and supplied in two types: synchronous motor and asynchronous (induction) motor, in which different rotors are used in their design. Other widely used AC motors in many fields of work include hysteresis motors, permanent magnet motors, and reluctance motors.
AC electric motors have many advantages due to their design and structure, including low depreciation of these devices, easy start-up, low maintenance cost, no need to use a DC source for start-up, sensitivity Low resistance to electrical fluctuations, possibility of direct use with high voltage, suitable power factor and high efficiency. Also, motors are available at reasonable prices and can be used in many fields.
Important points in buying an electric motor
Before buying an electric motor, it is necessary to pay attention to a series of points and factors that we will introduce in this section. The first point is to pay attention to the type of electricity consumed and whether the motor you are looking for is supposed to work with single-phase electricity or three-phase electricity. If you have access to single-phase electricity, you can use a single-phase motor, but to work with three-phase motors, it is necessary to use three-phase electricity. The second point is to pay attention to the power of the engine, which is expressed in terms of kilowatt hours or horsepower, and it is necessary to choose it based on the working conditions and needs. The third point is to pay attention to the engine speed, which should be selected based on the working conditions.
In some work processes, it is necessary to use high-speed motors, which must be taken into account when purchasing. Paying attention to the type of use of the engine is another factor that must be taken into account when purchasing this equipment. Also, before buying an electric motor, it is necessary to pay attention to their installation conditions and buy the desired motor accordingly. Among other important factors in buying electric motors, we can mention the material of their shell, which has sufficient resistance against working conditions. Paying attention to the weight of the motor, its sound and vibration during operation are other factors that need to be considered when buying these devices. Finally, buy electric motors from reliable brands and manufacturers that supply these devices with high quality and durability.
Electric motor price
Various factors can affect the price of electric motors, which must be considered before buying this equipment. The first factor is the power or torque of these devices, which is usually selected based on working conditions. The higher the power or torque of electric motors, the higher the price. The second factor is the type of connection of these engines, which can affect their final price. Engine speed is another influencing factor on the price of these devices, which is chosen based on work needs. High revving engines are usually more expensive.
The material of the engine body is another factor that can change its price. Engines whose bodies are made of high quality materials have a higher price. The type of engine manufacturer’s brand can also affect its final price; Because motors with a reliable and well-known brand are usually offered at a higher price. Among other factors affecting the price of electric motors, we can mention the sellers who offer this equipment at different prices.
Electric motor online shopping
If you intend to buy different models of electric motor, you can buy this equipment in two ways, in person or online. Since buying these devices online has many advantages compared to buying them in person, many buyers have turned to this type of method to purchase these devices. In online shopping, there is no need to go to the store in person, and buyers can buy the device they want in the shortest possible time without spending extra money.
It is also possible to view all electric motor models along with their specifications and prices on the virtual pages of the stores at all hours of the day and night, and this has made it very easy for buyers. Of course, we recommend you to buy this equipment from reputable stores, and in this sense, we introduce you to the store of Rehavaran Sanat Qomes, which provides the best models of electric motors from the most popular brands.