The conveyor motor is one of the important parts of the conveyor device, which is used to provide the driving force of this device. These motors provide the basis for moving and transferring materials by moving the drum and belt section of the machine. On the other hand, the performance of these engines and their power has a great impact on the efficiency and effectiveness of the conveyor belt, which must be taken into account when choosing an engine for the conveyor belt. The use of high-performance engines in the structure of conveyors will increase the efficiency and durability of these devices.
According to the type of design and structure, the conveyor motor is available in different models, which can be used in the design of the conveyor belt according to the working conditions and needs. Of course, in choosing a motor for a conveyor belt, it is necessary to pay attention to a series of factors, each of which can have a great impact on the performance, efficiency, and effectiveness of this device. Based on this, in the continuation of this article, we are going to introduce and examine these factors to the factors affecting the price of the conveyor motor and how to buy these devices online, which we hope will be of interest and use to you, the audience.
Power factor in choosing a conveyor motor
The first factor in choosing a motor for a conveyor is the power of this device, which has a great impact on the performance and efficiency of the conveyor; Therefore, before choosing a conveyor motor, it is necessary to pay attention to the power of the motor and its compatibility with the power and capacity of the conveyor. Engine power can be calculated in three ways, which we introduce in this section. The first method is to use the power formula to calculate this parameter, which is obtained from the product of torque (in Nm) and speed (in revolutions per second). The second method is to take help from the catalog that comes with these engines, which mentions the torque and power of the engine at different speeds. From the information in this catalog, the engine power can be obtained at the desired speed.
The third method is to use the available software in this field, with their help, you can determine the engine power at the desired speed. Of course, there are a series of essential points related to the power of the conveyor motor that must be considered before choosing it. First, when choosing a motor for a conveyor belt, choose a device whose power is 10-20% more than the power required for the conveyor belt. The second point is to pay attention to the efficiency of the engine in choosing it, which will affect the amount of output power. The next point is the use of high-power engines in difficult and heavy working conditions, which is of great importance.
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Torque factor in choosing a motor for a conveyor
Another important factor in choosing a conveyor motor is to pay attention to the torque of this device, which must be selected according to the work requirement. Therefore, before choosing the motor for the conveyor belt, it is necessary to calculate the required torque in the working process of the conveyor belt and select the desired motor based on that value. To calculate the torque of the load on the conveyor belt, it is necessary to pay attention to the type of load and how it is connected to the motor section. The next thing is to consider the additional torque of the load, which must be determined and taken into account during the calculation. Among the factors that can affect the additional torque of the load and the value obtained from it, we can mention the overload, the acceleration of the conveyor belt, and friction.
The total torque, which is obtained from the sum of the load torque and the additional torque, is the main and precise factor in choosing the conveyor motor. Of course, before choosing a motor for a conveyor, it is necessary to pay attention to other points related to torque, which we will introduce in this section. The first thing is that the nominal torque of the motor used in the conveyor must be equal to or greater than the total torque. The next thing is to pay attention to the maximum torque of the conveyor motor, which has a great effect on the performance and durability of the device. This torque must be higher than the required torque in working conditions so as not to damage the engine. Finally, pay enough attention to the torque-speed diagram of the engine when choosing this device and choose the desired engine based on that.
Semcor’s website said about Alamkord conveyor motors that; A conveyor belt works by using two motorized pulleys that loop over a long stretch of thick, durable material. When the motors in the pulleys run at the same speed and rotate in the same direction, the belt moves between the two.
Speed factor in choosing a conveyor motor
Another important factor in choosing a motor for a conveyor belt is the speed of this device, which must be selected according to the work needs and conditions of the conveyor belt. Choosing a motor with the right speed helps a lot in the correct and efficient operation of the conveyor and increases its life. In order to choose the engine speed according to the work needs, the type and model of this device should be considered first. The electric motors used in the conveyor belt are designed in two synchronous and asynchronous models. The synchronous type of these devices has a fixed speed, the value of which depends on the number of poles of the motor and the frequency of electricity.
On the other hand, the asynchronous type of these devices has the ability to change the speed, which is done by changing the network frequency or gearbox. One of the important points in choosing a motor for a conveyor belt is the standard speed of this device, which the structure of the motor is designed based on. Motors are supplied with different speeds according to the type of design and structure they have, among which motors with a speed of 1500 rpm are suitable for working with conveyors. Also, the use of gearbox and frequency converter can help to change the speed of these devices according to working conditions.
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The material of the device in choosing the motor for the conveyor
Different components and parts are used in the design of the conveyor motor, and different materials are used in the construction of each of these parts, and the type of this material and its quality have a great effect on the efficiency and lifespan of these devices. For example, engines that are made of special cast iron are more resistant and durable. On the other hand, the use of aluminum in the engine design reduces weight and makes it easier to use. The manufacturing quality of engine parts is another factor that has a great impact on the performance and durability of these devices and must be considered when choosing an engine for a conveyor.
The type of gearbox in choosing the conveyor motor
The type of gearbox used in the design of the conveyor belt is another factor that needs to be considered when purchasing this equipment. Since the motors are coupled to the gearbox of the machine when starting on the conveyor, it is very important to match the input of the gearbox to the output of the engine. The type of conveyor gearbox design and its standard speed are other factors that must be considered when choosing a conveyor motor.
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Power supply in motor selection for conveyor
One of the important factors in choosing a motor is the type of power supply of the conveyor belt, on which it is necessary to choose the device’s motor. For example, in choosing an electric motor, if the power supply of the conveyor belt is 220 V, it is necessary to use a single-phase electric motor, and three-phase electric motors are also suitable for working with 380 V electricity.
Product specifications factor in choosing a conveyor motor
Paying attention to the specifications of the goods to be transported is one of the other factors that must be taken into account when choosing a motor for a conveyor belt. If the conveyor belt is used to transport fragile materials, it is necessary to use a motor with a certain speed so that the goods are not damaged during transportation. Another factor in this field is to pay attention to the weight of the goods, which requires the use of a motor with adequate power to move them. To move and transfer heavy goods, a conveyor belt engine with high power should be used.
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Transmission path factor in choosing a motor for a conveyor
The length of the conveyor belt and its slope are other factors that must be taken into account when choosing a motor for the conveyor belt. If inclined conveyors are used in the desired field of work, it is necessary to choose motors with suitable power for this work. In working with long conveyor belts, it is necessary to use motors with high power and efficiency. While motors with low power and efficiency are more suitable and economical for working with short conveyors.
The factor of environmental conditions in choosing a conveyor motor
Among other factors that should be noted in choosing a motor for a conveyor belt is the environmental conditions of the device, which has a great effect on its efficiency and lifespan. Among the environmental conditions that need to be taken into account when choosing an engine, we can mention the ambient temperature, humidity level, dust level, the presence of chemicals and the height of the conveyor belt from sea level. For example, to work with a conveyor belt in high temperature conditions, it is better to use motors with a suitable insulation class.
Also, in order to use the conveyor belt in wet environments, it is better to choose motors with protection degree (IP) suitable for this work. If the conveyor belt system is used in environments with high dust, it is necessary to choose engines with air filter and cooling system for this work. Also, to work with a conveyor belt at high altitudes, a motor with suitable power and torque should be used for the working conditions. Finally, the motor intended to work in the conveyor belt system must have sufficient resistance to chemical mode, and motors with special coating are suitable for this work.
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Price in the choice of motor for the conveyor
There are various factors that can affect the price of the conveyor motor, which must be considered when choosing these devices. The first factor is the type and model of these devices, which have different prices due to the type of design and structure they have. The second factor in this field is the power of these devices, which causes a change in their final price. Engines that are supplied with high power and power have a high price due to their high performance and efficiency. Other factors affecting the price of the conveyor motor include the torque of these devices and their speed, which are usually selected based on the working conditions and needs of the conveyor. Motors with high torque and high speed have a higher price.
The material of the motor body and the quality of its parts are among the other factors affecting the price of these devices, which must be taken into account when choosing a motor for a conveyor. Engines that use high-quality materials in the design of their body and parts have better efficiency and durability and are offered at a higher price. The brand and manufacturer of the conveyor motor is another factor that causes a difference in their supply price. Engines that are offered by well-known and reliable brands have a high price because of their high quality and efficiency.
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Online purchase of conveyor motor
If you intend to buy and choose a motor for a conveyor belt, you can buy these devices in person and online. Of course, nowadays, the online shopping method is more popular among buyers due to its advantages and is widely used. In the online shopping method, there is no need to visit the store in person and spend extra time and money for this.
Also, in this method, it is possible to see different models of conveyors along with their specifications and prices on the virtual pages of the stores 24 hours a day and on all days of the week, and this also facilitates the process of purchasing this equipment. Since many stores are active in the field of selling conveyor motors, we would like to introduce you to the store of Rehavaran Sanat Qomes, which provides the best quality conveyor motors with high durability and reasonable prices to the buyers.