Washing the conveyor has a great effect on the performance and efficiency of this device and helps to increase its durability and life. Since the presence of any contamination on different parts of the conveyor belt can endanger the health of that part and the whole machine, the use of different washing systems can help a lot to remove these contaminations and the effective operation of the conveyor belt.
Various methods are used in the process of cleaning the conveyor belt, which can be used according to the conditions and condition of the device. In order to further investigate this issue, we are going to discuss the types of conveyor belt washing methods and its washing steps, and finally, we will point out the effects of water on the washing of these devices and its cleaning system, which we hope will be of interest and use to you, the audience.
Types of conveyor belt washing methods
Various methods are used to wash these devices, the most common and practical of which are the flooding method, the tub method, and the washing chamber method. According to the state of the machine and the existing conditions, any of these methods can be used in the washing process, which we will introduce further.
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Flood method in conveyor belt washing
In the flood method, as one of the practical methods for washing conveyor belts, water spray is used in the washing process, and this spray causes particles to be thrown from the surface of the conveyor belt and cleaned. For this purpose, water pressure of 400 to 700 kilopascals is used, and compressed air can also help to increase this pressure as much as possible.
Of course, in this method, clean water is needed, for this reason, it is necessary to use special nozzles to provide this water in special conditions. For example, in certain situations, a T-squeegee blade can be used to clean the water next to the sprinkler. Among the factors that can influence the washing quality of conveyor belts in this method, we can mention the speed of the conveyor belt exposed to spraying and the amount of stickiness of the returned materials. Water consumption in this washing method is relatively high, which should be taken into account.
Bath method in conveyor belt washing
The bath method is another common method of washing the conveyor belt, in which the belt of the device is drawn into a chamber filled with water to carry out the washing process on it. The installation of this water chamber can be done in the return direction of the tape or in its gravity system. In such a case, part of the weight of the tape weight tension system is assigned to the weight of the water container. Also, in this method, there is no need to use a spraying device or any nozzle, and the washing process is done only through the water inside the chamber.
Of course, after washing the conveyor and if needed, the water in the container should be changed so that the waste materials in the water do not cause disruption in the washing process. The container or tubs that are used in this method for washing the conveyor belt must have a considerable length so that the conveyor belt has enough time to be cleaned in water. Among the problems of this method, we can mention the possible failure of the tape during the washing process and the need to dry it after finishing the work.
The Betterengineering website said on its site to wash the conveyor belt; Conveyor cleaning systems wash parts continuously in a production line, making them suitable for high-volume cleaning applications.
Washing chamber method in conveyor washing
The wash-box method is a modern method of washing these devices, in which water is sprayed through one or more cleaning parts in a special compartment. The quality of the washing process in this method depends on various factors, the most important of which are the speed of the conveyor belt, the type of materials to be transported, the level of cleaning desired, the degree of drying of the machine, the limitations of water use, and such things. . Of course, the type of water used and environmental requirements can also affect the quality of washing the conveyor belt in this method.
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Conveyor washing steps
The basic washing of the conveyor requires a series of steps, the correct implementation of each of which can have a great impact on the washing process of this device. In the following, we will introduce and review these steps, which are as follows:
Preparing the device
The first stage of washing the conveyor belt is dedicated to the preparation of these devices, and in this stage, materials and particles with larger dimensions must be removed from the surface of the conveyor belt.
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Selection of conveyor washing method
In the second stage of washing these devices, it is necessary to choose the washing method according to the condition of the conveyor belt and the type of contamination. As we have mentioned, there are different methods for washing conveyor belts, each of which can be used according to the existing conditions.
Mechanical washing of the device
In the third stage, it is time to mechanically wash these devices, for which rough surfaces such as brushes, rollers, etc. are used to remove dirt. In the mechanical washing of conveyor belts, their movement speed is reduced so that the washing process takes place with high quality.
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Wash the conveyor belt with pressurized water
After the mechanical washing of the conveyor belt, it is time to wash it with pressurized water, for which high pressure water is sprayed on the surfaces of the conveyor belt. Of course, the water flow and its pressure should be such that the contaminations are completely removed and the conveyor belt is not damaged.
Use of chemicals in conveyor belt washing
In some cases, due to the presence of certain contaminations on the surface of the conveyor belt, it is necessary to use chemicals for washing, which can be done at the same time as the spraying step or after it. Pollution that cannot be removed by spraying can be completely removed with the help of chemicals.
Drying the device
The last step of washing the conveyor belt is dedicated to drying these devices, which needs to be completely dried. Cool air flow or hot air dryers are used for this purpose. The complete drying of the surface of the conveyor belt has a great effect on the cleanliness of this device and its durability, which needs to be paid attention to.
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The effects of water on washing the conveyor belt and the cleaning system of this machine
Washing the conveyor belt with water is a more effective method compared to other cleaning methods, which is because of the effects that water leaves in the cleaning process of this equipment. The use of water in the conveyor belt cleaning system improves its efficiency in several ways, which we will introduce and examine further.
Softening of bulk material in conveyor washing
First of all, it should be mentioned that the use of water in the washing process of the conveyor belt and the cleaning system of this machine softens the bulk materials on it, and this issue will be associated with the reduction of the adhesion of these materials on the belt and the reduction of their internal strength and cohesion. In other words, the use of water in conveyor belt cleaning systems makes the elements used in these systems perform the cleaning process with high quality and precision.
Bulk materials have a critical point in terms of moisture, which washing with water can bring these materials to the desired critical point and provide the conditions for disintegration of these materials. Of course, the adhesion and cohesion properties of bulk materials can be different according to the type and type of structure they have, so it is necessary to use different washing methods when dealing with them. In general, wetting these materials and cleaning the device through washing is far better and more practical than using a spatula in the cleaning process.
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Protecting the blades from the accumulation of material in the washing of the conveyor belt
On the other hand, using water in the process of washing the conveyor belt protects the edge of the cleaning blade of this device against the accumulation of materials. During the movement of the tape, some of these materials may collect on the edge of the blade due to contact with the cleaning blade of the device, and finally, after the contact with the blade, a part of it is passed and sticks to the surface of the tape. gets bigger This issue causes a change in the contact surface of the blade edge with the tape surface and reduces the cleaning pressure of the machine. Now, with the help of water, these stagnant materials on the belt can be easily removed and help maintain the performance of the conveyor belt cleaning blades.
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Reduce the friction of the blade to the conveyor
Since the cleaning blade of the conveyor belt is always in contact with the surface of the belt and this contact can cause friction in the desired section, the use of water can greatly help the lubrication between the surface of the belt and the cleaning blade and reduce its friction. . By reducing the friction of this part, the amount of wear of the blades is reduced and their lifespan is increased. On the other hand, the increase in friction at the edge of the blades will be accompanied by an increase in temperature and a decrease in their resistance, which causes them to break. For this reason, by washing the conveyor belt with water, this friction can be reduced and the edges of the blades can be prevented from breaking. On the other hand, the reduction of friction in this section will be associated with the reduction of tape wear and ultimately increase its life.
Use of industrial waterjet in conveyor washing
Among the practical devices in the field of conveyor washing, we can mention the industrial waterjet, which has many features and advantages due to its design and use. First of all, it should be noted that water jets have a high cleaning power; Because the high pressure and speed of water in these devices can clean any pollution and sediment from the surface of the conveyor belt. In addition, there is no need to use strong chemicals in washing the conveyor belt with waterjet, which also facilitates the washing process of these devices and saves money. Since the use of chemicals in the washing process can harm the environment, working with these devices can be a good solution to this problem.
Another feature of these water jets is their fast and efficient operation, which increases the work speed and saves washing time. Other features of water jets include their high safety in the washing process, which is very important. Since there is no need to use dangerous chemicals in the process of washing with industrial waterjet, this issue can greatly help to increase the safety of executive agents and reduce the risks caused by chemicals. Waterjets are designed in such a way that the pressure of the outgoing water can be controlled and adjusted according to the type of pollution and the level of sensitivity of the conveyor belt. Finally, the use of industrial waterjet in the washing process of the conveyor belt will affect the optimal performance of this device and increase its lifespan.
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Online shopping for conveyors and its equipment
If you intend to buy conveyor belts and other practical equipment in this field, you can also buy these equipment online. To buy all kinds of conveyor belts and their parts online, it is enough to go to the store of Rehavaran Sanat Qoms and buy this equipment with high quality and reasonable price.