By diagnosing and repairing industrial gearboxes, problems and damages caused to these devices can be solved and their efficiency and durability can be increased. Also, by repairing these gearboxes, there is no need to buy a new device and spend extra money for this. Of course, it should be noted that the repair of industrial gearboxes is a specialized matter, and in order to perform it, special equipment is needed and it should be done by experts.
However, the problems created in these devices may not be so serious and people with low expertise can also fix them. Considering the widespread use of these equipments in the industry and the high importance of their performance in executive equipments, in this article we are going to examine the types of breakdowns of these devices, how to diagnose and repair industrial gearboxes, and finally point out the stages of their repair, which we hope This content should be noticed and used by you, the audience.
Types of failure of industrial gearboxes
Industrial gearboxes may fail due to various reasons such as gear misalignment, thermal instability, gear bearing, pollution, lateral and torsional vibration, etc., which we will introduce and review later.
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Failure caused by gear mismatch in industrial gearbox troubleshooting and repair
Gear misalignment is one of the most common causes of industrial gearbox failures, which can be caused by wear on the bearings, pitting or creating holes at the ends of the gears, etc. This problem may happen for various reasons, among which we can mention dynamic reasons, static reasons, thermal expansion, deviation in components under load, etc.
Failure due to thermal instability
Another reason for the failure of these devices, which requires troubleshooting and repair of industrial gearboxes, is their thermal instability. Thermal instability is actually the temperature difference between the housing around the bearing and the shaft inside the bearing. This temperature difference will be significant and the resulting thermal expansion will cause overload to the system. In addition, the high heat produced causes damage to other parts and ultimately their failure. This usually happens when starting an industrial gearbox.
Gear bearing failure in industrial gearbox troubleshooting and repair
Among other reasons for failure of industrial gearboxes, it can be mentioned that there are problems in the performance of bearings, which are used in the design of small and large gearboxes. Rolling bearings are highly sensitive to impact, contamination, vibration, lack of oil, etc. These bearings may be damaged due to more forces than usual during installation, or the accumulation of dirt in their lower part is associated with the wear of these components. Accordingly, lubrication of bearings is used to solve this problem.
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Damage caused by pollution
Among the other reasons for the failure of these equipments, which require troubleshooting and repair of industrial gearboxes, we can mention the effect of pollution on their structure and performance, which itself depends on various factors. The use of inappropriate oils in the gearbox, whose specifications do not match the characteristics defined for the device, can be one of these factors. In addition to that, the failure of the oil pump, improper distribution of oil in the bearing and clogging of the filter also cause damage to the gearbox. These pollutions, along with moisture, can be associated with corrosion and wear of different parts of the gearbox and reduce its performance and durability.
Lateral and torsional vibration in industrial gearbox troubleshooting and repair
The higher the power, torque and speed of a machine, the more likely it is to cause vibration, and industrial gearboxes are no exception to this problem. However, these vibrations may be to the extent that they interfere with the effective operation of the device and cause damage to it. Accordingly, if torsional vibration is observed in the gearbox, it is necessary to make measurements on the driving shaft of these devices and investigate and prevent the problem as soon as possible.
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How to troubleshoot and repair industrial gearbox
In the repair of industrial gearboxes, it is first necessary to diagnose the device and take necessary measures based on that. In the following, we will introduce 5 problems and defects of these gearboxes along with how to fix them, which is as follows:
According to the berknesscompanywebsite, the gear repair process usually involves a thorough inspection of the damaged gear to identify the extent of the damage and the repair required. The gear is then separated, cleaned and repaired using various techniques such as welding, machining and grinding.
Abnormal sound in industrial gearbox troubleshooting and repair
One of the common problems in industrial gearboxes is the abnormal sound of this device during operation, which can be caused by the low amount of lubricant, damage to the thorn or jakhar, the presence of foreign matter in the gearbox, loose installation of the device or its misalignment. He pointed out the failure of input and output connections, high ambient temperature and damage to gears and bearings. To solve the problem of insufficient lubricant, the gearbox oil can be increased to half the shell. Changing the spikes and using standard spikes without lagging can be a good solution to fix the failure of the spikes. To solve the problem of the presence of a foreign body, it is necessary to drain the gearbox oil and wash the gearbox shell and then re-lubricate.
If there is a problem in the input and output connections in the troubleshooting and repair of the industrial gearbox, these components should be fixed in place or replaced if necessary. Also, tightening the screws or replacing them with new screws, if needed, can be a good solution to fix the looseness of the device. If the gearbox is not aligned, it is necessary to perform an alignment operation on it, for which support and shims can also be used. Using high-viscosity oils is a good solution for using these devices in high-temperature environments, and replacing gears and bearings can also be used to solve the problem of damage to these components in industrial gearboxes, including helical gearboxes.
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Abnormal vibrations in industrial gearbox troubleshooting and repair
Other common problems in industrial gearboxes include the observation of abnormal vibrations in these devices, which can be due to various reasons, such as loose input connections, loose gearbox installation, damage to the thorn or jakhar, damage to the bearing, presence of mass. foreign in the device and so on. In order to solve the problem of input connections, it is necessary to fix these components in place or replace them if damage is observed.
Tightening the screws or using new screws for this purpose can be a suitable solution to fix the looseness of the gearbox and its vibration in the process of troubleshooting and repairing the industrial gearbox. To solve the problem of the presence of foreign matter, it is enough to remove the oil of the machine as before and wash the gearbox shell and then lubricate it. Replacing the bearing, changing the spur and replacing it with standard and non-slip spurs is a good solution for bearing and spur failure in this equipment.
High temperature of the gearbox, industrial gearbox troubleshooting and repair
The high temperature of the gearbox is another problem that occurs in these devices, the reasons for which are excessive load for the device, high ambient temperature, working with inappropriate lubricants and too little or too much of these lubricants. To solve the problem of overloading, it is necessary to check the safety factor of the device from the catalog and use devices with a higher capacity if needed. The use of suitable oils with high viscosity can also be a good solution to solve the problem of the operation of these devices at high temperatures. To choose the right oil, you can get help from the gearbox catalog, and the amount used should be up to half the shell of the machine.
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High temperature of bearings, troubleshooting and repair of industrial gearbox
The temperature of the bearings in the gearbox can increase due to different factors, among them, high radial load and low amount of lubricant can be mentioned. Suitable solutions to solve the problem of high radial load include reducing the desired radial load, using larger gearboxes and proper bearings. Also, if the lubricant used in the device is low, it is necessary to increase its amount to the desired level.
Oil leakage in industrial gearbox troubleshooting and repair
Among other problems that arise in industrial gearboxes, we can mention oil leakage, which can happen for various reasons, including the improper location of the oil caps and the installation mode of the device, damage or looseness of the cap. He mentioned high oil level, damaged gaskets and felt bowls. To solve the problem of the improper position of the oil caps, it is enough to examine and correct these components. Also, the caps should be tightened in place and replaced with new caps if needed. To solve the problem of failure of felt bowls and washers in industrial gearbox troubleshooting and repair, these components should be replaced with new and healthy ones. Finally, if the oil level is too high, it is necessary to reduce its level to the desired amount.
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Industrial gearbox repair steps
The correct and fundamental repair of the industrial gearbox requires a series of steps, which we will introduce and review in this section.
Initial inspection in troubleshooting and repair of industrial gearbox
In the first stage of industrial gearbox repair, it is necessary to inspect the device and check its defects. For this purpose, the device is first evaluated from the outside, which includes checking the external surface of the gearbox, the performance of its components, the reaction of the device, and the settings of the bearings.
Disassembly of gearbox parts
In the second stage of industrial gearbox troubleshooting and repair, it is time to check the internal defects of the device, for which it is necessary to separate the parts of the device. With this, the performance of the parts can be evaluated separately and the defects of the device can be better identified. The process of disassembling the parts of the device must be done carefully and any additional pressure and impact on these parts should be avoided.
Preparing a report on the state of the gearbox in troubleshooting and repairing industrial gearboxes
After the external and internal inspection of the industrial gearbox and disassembling its parts, it is time to prepare a report on the condition of the device. In this report, it is necessary to address the damage caused to the parts of the gearbox, minor problems of the device, etc. In addition, if the damages to the parts are such that they need to be replaced, this should also be included in the report.
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Repair or replace parts
After inspecting the industrial gearbox and preparing a report on its condition, it is time to diagnose and repair the industrial gearbox or, if necessary, replace its parts. Of course, if the damaged parts can be reused with a partial repair, there is no need to replace the parts and spend additional costs in this field. However, some gearbox parts such as gears, which have important functions, cannot be repaired due to their special design, and it is necessary to replace these parts with new and healthy ones.
Gears whose teeth are broken due to some reasons do not have a good performance and this problem will have an adverse effect on the efficiency of the whole machine, therefore, in the process of troubleshooting and repairing industrial gearboxes, it is necessary to replace these gears with examples be replaced with a new one. The important point in the field of replacing gearbox parts is to use original and first-class samples instead of damaged parts so that the efficiency of the device is not disturbed and the desired parts have high durability and longevity. Also, if needed, the different parts of the gearbox and its parts should be lubricated, and finally all the components and parts of the machine should be put together as in their original state, and in other words, the gearbox should be reassembled.
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Quality assurance testing in industrial gearbox troubleshooting and repair
After completing the repair and replacement of gearbox parts and reassembling the device, it is time to test its quality assurance, for which the gearbox is tested without load. Then a series of tests are performed on it, including sound tests, vibration tests, etc. From these tests, it is possible to understand the optimal performance of the device and the completeness of its repair process. Finally, the desired industrial gearbox is painted to have a good appearance and to create an insulating property in the device.